Title The impact of social media content and user engagement on consumers' trust and purchase intention /
Translation of Title Socialinės žiniasklaidos turinio ir vartotojų įsitraukimo įtaka vartotojų pasitikėjimui ir ketinimams pirkti.
Authors Ismayilzada, Kanan
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Pages 80
Keywords [eng] social media content, user engagement, consumer trust, purchase intention, involvement, informativeness, entertainment value, authenticity, credibility
Abstract [eng] The research has been implemented with the aim of finding out the impact of social media content and user engagement on consumers’ trust and purchase intention. As the first stage of the studies, existing literature has been analyzed and key points have been developed. With the help of key findings, it has been decided what are the gaps in the analyzed topic, and hypotheses have been developed according to the findings. Such hypotheses have been developed to answer the questions in the literature, provide relevant solutions to both scientific literature and business professionals within the field of social media and test the existence of the suggested tendency and its scale in the research market - Azerbaijan. Next, the empirical stage of questionnaire development has been applied with the adoption of relevant measurement scales from existing literature. The sampling and sampling size have been decided before the data collection. Followingly, an online survey has been run among Azerbaijani participants and data has been designed for usage. The SPSS software has been decided for testing. After the data analysis, it has been proved that 11 of 14 suggest hypotheses have been accepted and the remaining 3 hypotheses have been rejected due to high significance value which can be explained by the size of sampling or variance between the variables. Such results have been interpreted as one of the limitations of current research and various suggestions have been presented for future research in line with the discussion of key findings from current research. Finally, the key finding can be listed down as the impact of social media content and user engagement on consumers’ trust and purchase intention has been scientifically proved, however, it should be noted that such impact can be altered by size or level of variance by different stages of purchase such as exposure to social media content, user engagement, consumer trust, etc. To sum up, the current research can be considered to add value and key findings to the literature covering social media marketing and its relevant usage for business purposes in the researched market. Therefore, this research paper should be referred to for both academic and business purposes.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2023