Title Cistektomijos vaidmuo gerybinių šlapimo pūslės susirgimų gydyme. Klinikinio atvejo aprašymas ir literatūros apžvalga /
Translation of Title Cystectomy as a treatment option for benign bladder pathology. case report and literature review.
Authors Širvys, Artiomas
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Pages 32
Abstract [eng] Introduction. Cystectomy is commonly used for bladder cancer. However, the use of this method is little known for benign diseases and appears rarely in clinical practice. The aim of this thesis is to present a rare case of cystectomy due to benign disease and review the place of cystectomy in the treatment of benign bladder diseases in the literature. Case report. On July 13, 2022, sixty-eight-year-old patient was admitted to the urological department of Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Clinics due to weakness and diarrhoea. For the past three weeks the patient was taking antibiotics for a urinary tract infection. Four years ago, pelvic radiotherapy was performed due to the prostate cancer relapse after prostatectomy. The treatment caused ureteral and urethral stenoses. Consequently, the patient developed recurrent urinary tract infections, sometimes progressing to sepsis. The infections were managed with antibiotics, eventually caused Clostridium Difficile enterocolitis on July 13, 2022, which presented simultaneously with urosepsis. After medical treatment, a multidisciplinary team decided to perform a cystectomy and ileal conduit to cure recurrent infections and improve the quality of life. Radiation cystitis was confirmed by histological examination. After the treatment, the recurrent infections ceased, the treatment was successful. Conclusion. Described case is unique due to its complicated history. Difficult decision to perform cystectomy cured the patient and significantly improved the quality of life. Cystectomy is a last-line option for benign bladder disease. In clinical practice, urologists should not forget this option, when a complicated benign bladder pathology cannot be cured by standard treatment.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023