Title Šlapimo pūslės nuoplovų tyrimas SERS metodu, navikų diagnostikai /
Translation of Title Study of bladder washouts by the means of sers, for the tumour detetection.
Authors Grašytė, Dominyka
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Pages 44
Abstract [eng] The topic of the master work: "STUDY OF BLADDER WASHOUTS BY THE MEANS OF SERS, FOR THE TUMOUR DETECTION" Student: Dominyka Grašytė Many studies have been developed to diagnose bladder cancer, including hematuria, computed tomography, intravenous urography, multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging, and cystoscopy. All of these diagnostic methods require expensive and professional equipment, and the end result itself is not always correct. A good test for urinary or bladder washouts in clinical practice is understood as a test that can help prevent invasive diagnostic methods and detect those malignancies that have not been detected by imaging or invasive tests. Several studies of urinary and bladder washouts have been applied in clinical practice but no ideal study is available yet. Their applicability is limited by poor sensitivity and specificity, especially in the low stages of the tumor. Therefore, an inexpensive, non-invasive, rapid, and automated method for high-sensitivity diagnostics needs to be developed to effectively treat patients. Vibrational spectroscopy and its methodologies can be used for rapid and additional identification of biological materials that do not require labeling. These techniques have been found to be suitable for the detection of healthy and cancerous markers of the thyroid, lung, prostate, skin, and other tissues. Although the biochemical differences between normal and cancer cells are small, they lead to very different cell metabolisms. Therefore, chemical analysis of the intercellular fluid can determine if the tissue is cancerous. The Raman scattering spectrum of samples with low concentrations of the test substance can be recorded using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. The SERS method is realized using colloidal nanoparticle solutions. The aim of the research work is to apply surface enhanced Raman scattering methods for bladder cancer research. The tasks of this work were set as follows: 1. To record SERS spectra of patients with cancer and healthy bladder washouts. 2. Make a statistical analysis of the recorded spectra, group them into cancer / non-cancer groups. 3. Make an assignment of spectral bands to molecular derivatives and identify spectra of cancer markers. Statistical analysis of the SERS spectra of bladder lavage, with the appropriate classification of the data, reveals clear differences between the SERS spectra of cancerous and non-cancerous bladder washouts. Analysis of the recorded SERS spectra of cancerous and non-cancerous bladder washouts in different patients during the experiment revealed that the SERS spectral band associated with tyrosine oscillations at the 852 cm-1, band associated with proteins and saccharides at 919 cm-1, and the SERS spectral bands associated with phenylalanine oscillations at 1030 cm-1 and 1200 cm-1 may be suitable for bladder cancer identification. The most appropriate method for the statistical analysis of the SERS spectra of bladder washouts, which helped to divide the data into three groups, is the analysis of K-means. This method not only groups the data into key classes, but also helps to distinguish those spectra that require additional analysis. After the experiment and the analysis of the data, it can be concluded that the SERS method for diagnosing tumors in bladder washouts is a promising and eligible method. It can be concluded that the larger the volume of data, the more accurate the analysis of the spectra because by increasing the data sample amount, the classification of spectra into cancerous and non-cancerous has been improved. Examining the misclassified bladder washout spectra suggests that such misclassification is not accidental. This can happen due to an inaccurate diagnosis of the disease or the appearance of additional impurities when the patient has concomitant diseases.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023