Title Mašininio mokymosi panaudojimas CD8+ limfocitų infiltracijos ir klinikopatologinių parametrų koreliacijos nustatymui hepatoceliulinės karcinomos chirurginei taktikai /
Translation of Title Application of machine learning to determine the correlation between cd8+ lymphocyte infiltration and clinicopathological parameters for the surgical strategy of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Authors Grigonytė, Agnė
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Pages 29
Abstract [eng] Objective: To assess the correlations of CD8+ lymphocyte infiltration, clinicopathological, and blood laboratory parameters between different surgical strategies of hepatocellular carcinoma. Tasks: 1. To compare demographic, clinicopathological, and blood laboratory data among patients who underwent liver transplantation or resection for hepatocellular carcinoma. 2. To investigate and compare the density distribution of CD8+ lymphocytes in hepatocellular carcinoma and surrounding liver parenchyma in transplanted and resected patient groups. 3. To determine the prognostic value of CD8+ lymphocytes for survival, in the whole cohort and in separate groups of transplanted and resected patients. Methodology: A retrospective study included 134 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma who underwent liver transplantation or partial liver resection between 2007 and 2020 at Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Clinics. CD8+ immunohistochemical images were examined using digital image analysis. The prognostic significance of survival was investigated in the context of the obtained CD8+ lymphocyte distribution indices. Statistical data analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel 2021 and the statistical package R (version 3.5.1). Results: Statistically significant differences in survival, hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence, pathological findings, and blood laboratory indicators were found when comparing the study groups. When comparing the indicators of CD8+ lymphocyte distribution between the study groups, the amount of CD8+ lymphocytes was statistically significantly higher in resected patients than in transplanted patients. A higher density of CD8+ lymphocytes in the stroma of the tumor tissue and in the epithelium and stroma of the perineoplastic liver parenchyma had a worse prognostic value for the survival of patients in the entire cohort. A higher density of CD8+ lymphocytes in the epithelium of the tumor tissue was associated with a better prognosis and in the stroma of the tumor and perineoplastic tissue with a worse prognosis in the group of resected patients. Conclusions: Indicators of CD8+ cell distribution together with clinicopathological and blood laboratory data correlate between surgical strategies of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023