Title Spontaninis kvėpavimas kniūbsčiomis esant hipokseminiam kvėpavimo nepakankamumui /
Translation of Title Awake prone ventilation in hypoxaemic respiratory failure.
Authors Grinkevičiūtė, Gabija
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Pages 43
Abstract [eng] Awake prone positioning is a method to improve the condition of patients with acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, this method was rarely used in conscious patients and was not well studied. With the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and following shortage of treatment resources, the use of awake prone positioning for patients with acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure has become widespread around the world as it has been observed to maintain good blood oxygenation and to provide better treatment outcomes for patients. However, there was no consensus on which patient conditions, for which duration and how frequently should the prone position be used to maximise its effectiveness and avoid adverse effects. Aims: To analyse the recent literature on the differences in the use of awake prone positioning in acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure and its impact on blood oxygenation, endotracheal intubation rate, in-hospital mortality and the possible advantages, disadvantages or risks of this approach, with generalised conclusions and recommendations. Methods: a literature review was performed using PubMed and Google Scholar databases. The following terms were used to search the literature: "awake proning", "awake prone ventilation", "awake prone ventilation in hypoxaemic respiratory failure", "awake prone positioning", "awake proning Covid-19". Only studies that are fully accessible and written in English were selected. Due to the small number of literature sources prior to the start of the Covid- 19 pandemic, it was chosen not to limit the date of publication of the literature sources - the oldest literature source analysed was from 1999. The most recent literature sources analysed in the paper cover the period up to 2023.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023