Title Mesalazino sukeliami šalutiniai reiškiniai: klinikinio atvejo pristatymas /
Translation of Title Mesalamine induced side effects: clinical case presentation.
Authors Zuzo, Anastasija
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Pages 22
Abstract [eng] Introduction. Mesalamine is a drug used to treat ulcerative colitis. The frequency of adverse effects of mesalamine in patients is extremely rare. Adverse effects may include gastrointestinal disorders, headache, skin reactions, arthralgia. However, patients taking mesalamine may develop kidney diseases, pancreatitis, hepatitis, pericarditis, pneumonia and other side effects. Importantly, patients with inflammatory bowel disease have a higher risk of developing interstitial nephritis, pancreatitis and other diseases. Newly appearing symptoms can be interpreted as an exacerbation of inflammatory bowel disease and lead to delayed diagnosis of new disorders. Accordingly, when monitoring the patient with inflammatory bowel disease, it is crucial to be aware of risks posed by this condition and the side effects of the drugs used to treat inflammatory bowel disease, in order to detect a newly developing disorder in time. Case description. This thesis describes the clinical case of an 18-year-old woman who was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. Mesalamine was prescribed for the treatment of ulcerative colitis. After several days of taking mesalamine, the patient developed abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea and febrile fever. Laboratory tests revealed increased inflammatory markers and high lipase levels. Instrumental examinations showed signs of acute pancreatitis and interstitial nephritis. After excluding other possible causes of pancreatitis and interstitial nephritis, these conditions were attributed to the toxic effects of mesalamine. The patient was treated with standard pancreatitis treatment and corticosteroid therapy. The patient’s condition improved after prescribed treatment and discontinuation of mesalamine. Conclusions. Drug induced etiology should be considered if acute pancreatitis or interstitial nephritis is diagnosed in patients receiving mesalamine. Administration of the suspected drug should be stopped immediately.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023