Title Miego apnėja vaikų amžiuje: priežastys, įtaka vystumuisi, diagnostika ir gydymas /
Translation of Title Sleep apnoea in children: causes, impact on child development, diagnostics and treatment.
Authors Žiūkaitė, Gabrielė
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Pages 27
Abstract [eng] Sleep apnoea are episodes of interruption, of respiratory airflow during sleep, accompanied by sleep fragmentation and episodic hypoxia. The prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing in children in Lithuania is unknown, however, is estimated to be between 2-17% of the population in various countries. Three types of sleep apnoea in children: central, obstructive and mixed. Central sleep apnoea is most common in premature newborns or combination with other diseases, while obstructive sleep apnoea is due to insufficient upper airway patency, anatomical abnormalities, neuromuscular disorders. The two most common predisposing factors are obesity and adenotonsillar hypertrophy. It can impair jaw development, causing retrognathia of the upper or lower jaw, dental malocclusion, affect the position, strength of the oral and facial muscles, which impairs normal airway development. Patients complain of loud snoring, frequent and sudden awakenings, mouth breathing, daytime drowsiness and nocturnal enuresis. Diagnostics consists of a thorough history evaluation, using sleep questionnaires, clinical examination and instrumental evaluation. Polysomnography is the gold standard for diagnosis. It provides an apnoea-hypopnoea index, which distinguishes between three degrees of severity of obstructive apnoea. Depending on the severity and etiology of the obstructive sleep apnoea, it can be treated surgically (adenotonsillectomy) or non-surgically (continuous positive airway pressure, non-invasive pulmonary ventilation, medical therapy, weight control, rapid maxillary expansion, myofunctional therapy). The treatment of central sleep apnoea is individualised with targeted therapeutic interventions, considering the severity of the disease, the general condition, and long-term goals. Specific treatments are poorly understood but may include weight management, oxygen therapy, non-invasive pulmonary ventilation. The aim of this literature review is to select and review the scientific literature on the causes of sleep apnoea, its impact on child development, diagnostics and treatment.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023