Title MMPI-2-RF asmenybės sutrikimų spektro skalių konvergentinio validumo tyrimas dimensinio asmenybės sutrikimų modelio kontekste /
Translation of Title Convergent validity of the mmpi-2-rf personality disorders spectrum scales in the context of the dimensional model of personality disorders.
Authors Gerikaitė, Fausta
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Pages 60
Abstract [eng] The paper examines how the MMPI-2-RF Personality Disorder Spectra scales can reveal separate personality disorders through scale relationships with the diagnostic criteria of the Alternative Model of Personality Disorders: the level of personality functioning and pathological personality traits. The aim of the study is to assess the convergent validity of the MPPI-2-RF Personality Disorder Spectra scales in the context of the dimensional model of personality disorders. 120 adults participated in the study of which 75.0 percent were women. The main criterion for the selection of participants was age from 18 to 40 years (M = 27.3 years, SD = 7.1). They were selected by the principle of non-probability convenience sampling. Instruments used: Personality Disorder Severity ICD-11 Scale (Bach et al., 2021b; PDS-ICD-11), The Short Version of the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (Krueger et. al, 2013; PID-5-BF), The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–2 Restructured Form (Ben-Porath & Tellegen, 2008; MMPI-2-RF), Level of Personality Functioning Scale - Brief Form (Weekers et al., 2019; LPFS-BF). Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and multiple linear regression were performed. The MMPI-2-RF Personality Disorder Spectra scales were found to correlate with the overall severity of personality disorder, level of personality functioning and pathological personality traits in a theoretically predicted manner. The obtained results confirm the convergent validity of the MMPI-2-RF Personality Disorder Spectra scales.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023