Title Darbuotojų atsparumo vaidmuo darbo reikalavimų–išteklių, įsitraukimo į darbą ir perdegimo sąsajoms /
Translation of Title The role of employee resilience in the relationships between job demands-resources, work engagement and burnout.
Authors Ričkutė, Aistė
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Pages 55
Abstract [eng] The role of employee resilience in the relationships between job demands – resources, work engagement and burnout, Aistė Ričkutė, Vilnius, Vilnius University, 2023, 55 pages. Employee resilience can determine how the employee reacts when faced with difficult situations, therefore it is relevant to analyze the significance of work characteristics - requirements and resources, in predicting resilience. Another relevant question is the role of resilience to job demands and resources in predicting employee engagement and burnout. The purpose of this study is to investigate job characteristics predicting employee resilience and the role of resilience to job demands and resources in predicting employee engagement and burnout. 197 employees participated in the study. Research instruments: Employee Resilience Scale (Näswall, Kuntz, Hodliffe, & Malinen, 2015), Job Demands – Resources Questionnaire (Bakker, 2014), Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES 3) (Schaufeli, Shimazu, Hakanen, Salanova, & De Witte, 2019), Copenhagen Burnout Questionnaire (Kristensen et al., 2005). The results showed that resilience can predict work engagement and burnout. Meanwhile, cognitive demands predict resilience and work engagement. Work resources (autonomy, social support (colleagues), feedback, couching, growth opportunities) are statistically significant in predicting resilience, work engagement and burnout. Also, burnout is statistically significantly predicted by both pressure at work and emotional demands. Finally, resilience is a mediator of cognitive demands and job resources (autonomy, social support (colleagues), feedback, couching, growth opportunities) in predicting engagement, and autonomy in predicting burnout.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023