Title Veiksniai, lemiantys skirtingų amžiaus grupių fizinį aktyvumą /
Translation of Title Factors influencing physical activity in different age groups.
Authors Kundrotaitė, Monika
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Pages 29
Abstract [eng] Aim of the study: To evaluate factors influencing physical activity in different age groups. Objectives: To determine the main barriers to physical activity. To assess the differences in prevailing barriers between different age groups. To identify the main motivational factors to physical activity. To determine the differences of motivational factors in different age groups. Methods: In total, 190 respondents participated in the study, of which 57 belonged to the age group of 18-29 years, 113 were 30 - 64 years old and 20 respondents were 65 years or older. The anonymous questionnaire survey was conducted during February of 2023 on social media networks. Microsoft Office Excel was used to process the collected data. The analysis was based on frequency of certain answers to the questions in different groups of subjects. Results: 89 (46.8%) respondents assessed themselves as sufficiently physically active, while the remaining 101 (53.2%) stated that their level of physical activity was not sufficient. The most common barriers in all age groups are the inability to follow a regular regimen (70.5%), lack of will (64.7%), lack of time (60.5%) and energy (58.9%). 54,4 percent of respondents aged 18 - 29 years stated that a significant barrier for them isthe shame felt when exercising in public. Respondents aged 30 – 64 years encounter most barriers more often than younger people. Additionaly, 65 years and older individuals, frequently noted these barriers - poor health (55.0%), lack of finances (50.0%) and skills (45.0%). The main motivational factors in all age groups are the desire to maintain physical capacity (93.2%), the feeling of self-confidence provided by physical activity (92.1%), improving appearance (91.6%), health benefits (91.1%) and enjoyment (90.0%). Conclusions: The main barriersto physical activity in all age groups are the inability to follow a regular regimen, lack of willpower, time and energy. Individuals aged 18 - 29 years experience shame felt when exercising in public as an important barrier, and people aged 65 and older tend to expierence barriers such as poor health, lack of finances and skills. The main motivators are similar in all ages - the desire to maintain physical capacity, the feeling of self-confidence, health benefits and enjoyment of physical activity, the improvement of appearance. Individuals who are not active enough tend to encounter barriers to physical activity more often, while those who consider themselves sufficiently active rate all factors as motivating somewhat more frequently.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023