Title Meistriškumas dirbti ir jo sąsajos su suvokiama galimybe meistrauti, transformacine lyderyste bei kolegų parama /
Translation of Title Job crafting and its relationship to perceived opportunity to craft, transformational leadership and coworker support.
Authors Sadauskaitė, Rugilė
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Pages 93
Abstract [eng] Recently, job crafting has been receiving more and more attention in the organizational psychology literature, as a method for personalizing work and enhancing employee motivation and engagement resulting in lower turnover in organizations. The aim of this study is to assess the significance of transformational leadership and coworker support in relation to employees' perceived opportunity to craft a work and promotion-focused job crafting. The study analyzed responses from 175 participants who completed a questionnaire consisting of questions related to their demographic characteristics and questionnaires of transformational leadership, coworker support, perceived opportunity to craft, and promotion-focused job crafting. The findings indicate that transformational leadership and coworker support are positively related to perceived job crafting ability and promotion-focused job crafting. Perceived opportunity to craft mediates the relationships between both transformational leadership and coworker support with promotion-focused job crafting. The connections between the dimensions of different constructs are further discussed in the study.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023