Title Darbuotojų įsitraukimo į darbą, proaktyvumo, įsipareigojimo organizacijai bei inovatyvaus elgesio darbe sąsajos /
Translation of Title The relationships between employee work engagement, proactivity, organizational commitment and innovative work behavior.
Authors Staševska, Evelina
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Pages 50
Abstract [eng] This master thesis analyses employee proactivity in the organisation, its relationship to work engagement, organisational commitment and innovative work behaviour. The links between these constructs have not been explored in the research literature, so this study analyses the role of work engagement in the links between proactivity and organisational commitment and innovative work behaviour. The theoretical framework of the study is related to the constructs of proactivity (Crant, 2000), work engagement (Schaufeli, Salanova, Gonzalez-Roma & Bakker, 2002), commitment to the organisation (Porter, Steers, Mowday & Boultian, 1974), and innovative work behaviour (Scott & Bruce, 1994). The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between work engagement, proactivity, organisational commitment and innovative work behaviour. Methodology: In a cross-sectional study, information was collected by questionnaire survey of working people aged 20-70 (103 (52,8 %) women, 92 (47,2 %) men, N =195). The questionnaire consisted of demographic questions, scales on work engagement (Schaufeli, Shimazu, Hakanen, Salanova & De Witte, 2019), proactivity (Parker, 1998), innovative work behaviour (Scott & Bruce, 1994) and organisational commitment (Porter, Steers, Mowday & Boultian, 1974). The results of the study were: work engagement, proactivity, organisational commitment and innovative work behaviour are positively correlated; proactivity positively predicts organisational commitment, innovative work behaviour and work engagement; work engagement is a mediating variable for proactivity predicting organisational commitment and innovative work behaviour.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023