Title Įmonių tvarumo ir darbuotojų vertybinės orientacijos moderacinis poveikis ryšiui tarp vadovo lyderystės stiliaus ir darbuotojų įsipareigojimo organizacijai /
Translation of Title The moderating effect of corporate sustainability and employees' value orientation on the relationship between manager's leadership style and employees' commitment to the organization.
Authors Dovgialo-Janovič, Eva
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Pages 80
Abstract [eng] 63 pages, 15 tables, 4 pictures, 82 references. The aim of the master's thesis is to determine whether the manager's leadership style has an effect on employee commitment, when moderated by corporate sustainability and employees' value orientation. The work consists of three parts - the first part includes a scientific analysis of the literature, the second part presents the conceptual research model and the research methodology, and the third part describes the research results and their summation, and the conclusions and recommendations are presented at the end. In the part of the scientific literature analysis, the author presents the theoretical aspects of corporate sustainability, leadership style, employees' commitment to the organization and employees' value orientation, and reviews the interrelationships of the constructs. This section also presents studies by other authors to support the links. The research methodology part presents the research model compiled by the author, which aims to determine the moderating effect of perceived corporate sustainability and altruistic value orientation on the relationship between transformational and servant leadership style and employee commitment to the organization. Also presented are 6 hypotheses based on which the research results were analyzed. The author conducted a quantitative study in which 203 respondents from sustainable Lithuanian companies participated. The collected data were processed using the SPSS program, tests of reliability of constructs, normality of data distribution, linear regression and moderation analyzes were performed. 63 Based on the results of the study, it was found that transformational and servant leadership styles have a positive effect on employees' commitment to the organization - the more these leadership styles of managers are expressed, the more employees tend to commit to the organization. It was also found that perceived corporate sustainability and altruistic value orientation moderate the relationship between leadership styles and employee commitment to the organization. Hence, these moderators strengthen the effects of transformational and servant styles on employee commitment. The last part of the work presents conclusions with the main theoretical aspects and research results, as well as recommendations for managers of organizations and human resources specialists. In order to promote employee commitment, organizations should pay more attention to the cultivation of transformational and servant leaders, corporate sustainability, and the development of altruistic value orientation.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023