Title Kineziterapijos ir Mulligan metodikos poveikis kojos fiziologinei padėčiai asmenims, turintiems plokštėjantį pėdos skliautą /
Translation of Title Effect of physiotherapy and the mulligan concept to the physiological position on the leg in people with flexible flat foot.
Authors Vaičekauskienė, Emilija
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Pages 72
Abstract [eng] EFFECT OF PHYSIOTHERAPY AND THE MULLIGAN CONCEPT TO THE PHYSIOLOGICAL POSITION ON THE LEG IN PEOPLE WITH FLEXIBLE FLAT FOOT The Author:Emilija Vaičekauskienė Academic supervisor:Asist.dr.I.E.Jamontaitė Keywords:flexible flat foot, leg physiological position, physiotherapy, Mulligan Concept The aim of research work: Compare the effect of conventional physiotherapy and physiotherapy with the Mulligan method on the physiological position of the foot in individuals with flat foot arch. Tasks of work: 1. To evaluate the effect of conventional physical therapy on the physiological position of the leg in individuals with a flattened arch of the foot. 2. To assess the effect of physiotherapy with the Mulligan method on the physiological position of the leg in individuals with a flat arch of the foot. 3. To compare the effect of conventional physiotherapy and physiotherapy with the Mulligan method on the physiological position of the leg, in persons with a flat arch of the foot. Materials and methods: A total of 20 subjects who had a flat arch and were of working age participated in the study. The subjects were collected from different Lithuanian cities:Druskininkai,Alytus,Kaunas and Vilnius. Testing and interventions of subjects took place in 2022 December-2023 March. The following were used for the study:plantoscopic and plantographic foot assessment, ankle and knee position assessment with goniometer degrees(ankle position and Q angle measurements),leg position assessment by inspection and measuring with a ruler, leg function-modified Keitel index or another functional movement test. Data analysis was performed using RCommander and Excel 2016 programs, data was considered statistically significant as p<0,05. Results:After comparing the results of testing I and II, conventional physiotherapy and physiotherapy with the Mulligan method in the groups, the data was statistically significantly distributed in the plantographic, foot physiology and foot function data, except for the results of the distance from the tangent to the width of the inner edge of the foot. When comparing the obtained results between the groups, statistically significantly better results(p<0,05) were found in the evaluation of the distance between multiple teeth(p=0,013) and the results of the Keitel test(p=0.021) in the group that received physiotherapy with the Mulligan technique. Conclusions: 1.Analyzing the results of plantography, leg physiological position and leg functional movement test during tests I and II in the conventional physiotherapy group, the coefficient of flatness of the foot and the index of the supporting surface of the foot, the distance between the ankles, the angle of the knee and ankle position decreased statistically significantly (p<0,05 ), and the Keitel test results increased statistically significantly(p<0,05). These results indicate a positive change in the physiological position of the leg. 2.Analyzing the results of plantography, leg physiological position and leg functional movement test during tests I and II in the physiotherapy group with the additional application of the Mulligan methodology, the coefficient of flatness of the foot and the index of the supporting surface of the foot, the distance between the ankles, the angle of the knee and ankle position (p <0,05), and Keitel test results increased statistically significantly (p<0,05). These results indicate a positive change in the physiological position of the leg. 3.Comparing the results obtained between conventional physiotherapy and physiotherapy with the Mulligan method, statistically significantly better results were found in the evaluation of the distance between multiple teeth and the results of the Keitel test (p<0.05) in the group that received physiotherapy with the Mulligan method. When evaluating the results of plantography and other physiological position of the leg between the groups, no statistically significant difference was found (p>0.05).
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023