Title Visuomenės ir medicininio personalo slaugos sąvokos suvokimas, bei požiūris į profesijos svarbą ir savarankiškumą /
Translation of Title Society’s and medical professionals’ understanding of nursing concept, its importance and self sufficiency.
Authors Borisova, Jelena
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Pages 68
Abstract [eng] SUMMARY Jelena Borisova Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University Objective: To examine the perception of the concept of nursing among the general public, healthcare professionals, and nurses themselves, as well as their views on the importance and autonomy of the profession. Methods: A qualitative method, individual interviews, was chosen for the study. Based on the analyzed literature, interview guidelines were prepared. The data analysis involved coding, grouping, and interpretation, thematic analysis of text using the Braun and Clarke method, and textual analysis. The data is analyzed using an inductive and deductive perspective. Results: The concept of nursing is diverse and can be perceived differently depending on who defines it. Physicians often see nurses as independent or partially independent healthcare providers who ensure proper patient care. The general public mostly perceives nurses as individuals who provide care, monitor patients, and assist physicians. It is important to acknowledge that the identity and functions of nurses are crucial for ensuring adequate patient care, so their professional preparation, education, experience, and personal qualities should be taken into account. The study participants recognized the competence and importance of nurses, and they also noted that different nursing specializations require different competencies and functions. This means that the identity of nurses should be understood more broadly, considering their competencies and qualities, which may vary depending on specialization and workplace. The autonomy and importance of the profession are also perceived differently. While all emphasize the importance and autonomy of the profession, both physicians and the general public often see nurses as part of a team with physicians. On the other hand, nurses themselves feel that although they could be regarded as independent subjects, they do not feel that way. All of this negatively affects communication and collaboration with physicians. It also negatively affects the public's opinion of nurses, their trust in nurses, and their willingness to seek services. Conclusions: The concept of "nurse" is diverse and can be perceived differently depending on who defines it. Physicians often perceive nurses as independent or partially independent healthcare providers who ensure proper patient care, while nurses themselves believe that the concept of nursing does not correspond to the actual situation and the requirements and competencies of the nursing profession. The general public mostly perceives nurses as individuals who provide care, monitor patients, and assist physicians. It is important to note that the inappropriate use of the concept negatively affects the collaboration between nurses and physicians, the public's opinion of nurses, and their trust in nurses, which can have a negative impact on the quality of healthcare services.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023