Title Kelių sankryžos prototipo sukūrimas ir skaitinis įvertinimas naudojant “SimPy” diskretinių įvykių simuliavimo biblioteką /
Translation of Title Road intersection prototype development and numerical evaluation using the “simpy” discrete event simulation library.
Authors Zurlys, Ernestas
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Pages 91
Abstract [eng] The purpose of this master's thesis is to analyze the benefits of prototypes in the field of Information Technology, and what benefits prototyping can bring to IT systems. The SimPy library created system simulations were analyzed and what kind of results they could achieve using simulation prototypes. In the practical part of the work, it was chosen to create a prototype of the simulation environment of the intersection of two roads. The prototype consisted of vehicle routes, pedestrian crossings, and traffic lights. In this prototype, vehicles and pedestrians were simulated to collect statistics on how long they take each route or crossing. Statistical analysis was performed on the initial simulation prototype and two versions of this prototype improvements. During the analysis, it was observed that after changing only the traffic light cycle times at the intersection, the waiting time was reduced compared to the initial prototype of the simulation and the second improvement option. If the second improvement option was simulated with an additional lane for making left turns, which would be more expensive and more complicated than the first improvement option. Finally, all variants were subjected to stress tests with 5 times increased flow, with the help of these stress tests, it was observed that the original variant could not withstand such a flow of vehicles, except for the first and second variants.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023