Title The impact of globalization on economic development of emerging countries of latin america /
Translation of Title Globalizacijos poveikis Lotynų Amerikos besivystančių šalių ekonominiam vystymuisi.
Authors Adukevičiūtė, Ieva
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Pages 66
Keywords [eng] globalizacija, Lotynų Amerika, ekonominis vystymasis, besivystančios šalys, poveikis, skurdas, pajamų nelygybė, ekonomikos augimas, globalization, Latin America, economic development, emerging countries, developing countries, impact, poverty, income inequality, economic growth
Abstract [eng] THE IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF EMERGING COUNTRIES OF LATIN AMERICA Ieva ADUKEVIČIŪTĖ Master thesis Global Business and Economics master study programme Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius University Supervisor Lecturer Ona Marija Vyšniauskaitė, Vilnius, 2023 SUMMARY 50 pages, 18 tables, 6 figures, 108 references. The aim of the master thesis is to evaluate how globalization affects the economic development of the emerging countries of Latin America. The paper is divided into two main parts – an overview of the literature and a research part consisting of a quantitative study. Literature analysis presents the debate and complexity of the concept and measurement of globalization and economic development, reveals the evolution of globalization and dynamics of economic development in Latin America as well as compares the insights from previous studies. The quantitative study measures the globalization and economic development associations through economic growth, income inequality and poverty, utilizing the data from 13 emerging economies in Latin America for the period of 10 years from 2010 until 2019. The main purpose of the research is to evaluate the impact of globalization on the indicators of economic development in the emerging countries of Latin America. The analysis is performed by employing the one-step difference GMM estimator. The results are analyzed, compared and summarized. The performed research revealed that social, political, and overall globalization has statistically significant positive associations with economic growth in emerging economies of Latin America. The results that economic globalization has no influence on economic growth do not coincide with the previously analyzed studies, where economic globalization has a significant and positive effect. No significant evidence was found that globalization is associated with level of income inequality and poverty changes in emerging economies of Latin America. The conclusions summarize the main ideas of literature review and the results obtained from the conducted research. Based on the outcome, the author recommends political institutions to positively address social and political globalization aspects to promote the economic development through economic growth in emerging economies of Latin America. Additionally, it is suggested to measure globalization impact through different dimensions (economic, social and political) to more precisely find and address the factors accelerating economic development. Finally, it is suggested for further research to examine the impact of political institutions on the issue of the relationship between globalization and income inequality and poverty.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2023