Title Mokytojo ir specialiojo pedagogo bendradarbiavimas užtikrinant mokinių, turinčių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių, teisę į aplinkos pritaikymą /
Translation of Title Cooperation between teacher and special needs teacher ensuring special educational needs students’ right to environmental adaptation.
Authors Beniušytė, Emilė
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Pages 87
Abstract [eng] Topic of the final work: Cooperation Between Teacher and Special Needs Teacher Ensuring Special Educational Needs Students' Right to Environmental Adaptation Relevance of the topic. The number of children with special educational needs is constantly growing, and from 2024 on it is planned to implement changes to the Educational Act that provide for the application of inclusive education principles in all educational institutions in the country, creating equal opportunities for every child. To ensure the success of inclusive education, cooperation between teachers and education specialists is essential, alongside the proper environmental adjustments for students with different needs. An analysis of the literature reveals that little research has been done on the phenomenon of collaboration between teachers and special needs educators and their cooperation in adapting the environment for children with special needs. Research problem. What impact does cooperation between teachers and special needs educators have on environmental adjustment for children with special educational needs? Research object – cooperation between teachers and special needs educators. Research aim – to explore how teachers and special needs educators collaborate by ensuring environmental adjustment for children with special educational needs. Research objectives: 1) To highlight the roles of teachers and special needs educators in the education of children with special educational needs; 2) To explore the possibilities of ensuring the right of children with special educational needs to environmental adaptation in educational institutions; 3) To identify cooperative experiences between teachers and special needs educators in ensuring the right of students with special educational needs to environmental adaptation. Research methods and sample: analysis and generalisation of scientific literature, document analysis, semi-structured interviews, content analysis. The research involved 9 teachers and 9 special needs educators working in general schools in Vilnius, Kaunas and Šiauliai districts. Research results. Teachers and special needs educators strive to make efforts in ensuring environmental adaptations for children with special needs. However, there is still a lack of social and physical environment adaptation, positive attitudes towards such children from others’. Gaps in cooperation between teachers and special needs educators also become evident. Thus, the right of children with special educational needs to environmental adaptation is not sufficiently ensured. Keywords. Teachers, special needs educators, collaboration, inclusive education, child’s right to environmental adaptation.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023