Title Effects of labor migration on entrepreneurial intentions: a case study on the fintech industry in lithuania /
Translation of Title Darbo jėgos migracijos poveikis verslininkystės ketinimams: Lietuvos „Fintech“ sektoriaus atvejo tyrimas.
Authors Dawood, Yohana
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Pages 74
Keywords [eng] Labor Migration, Labor Migrants, Labor Migrant, Entrepreneurial Intentions, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Lithuania, FinTech, Darbo migracija, darbo migrantai, darbo migrantas, verslininkystės ketinimai, verslininkystė, inovacija, Lietuva, finansų technologijos (FinTech).
Abstract [eng] 52 pages, 4 figures, 15 tables, 42 references. The main purpose of this master thesis is to study two phenomena, labor migration and entrepreneurial intentions. The aim of the research was to find out how labor migration affects entrepreneurial intentions. In other words, we tried to find out how someone being a labor migrant affected their entrepreneurial intentions. The research has mainly 5 stages, conducting a literature review analysis, determining the research design, collecting data, analyzing the collected data, and preparing results, discussion and implication. It was found during the literature review that a person’s entrepreneurial intentions can be explained internally (individual skills), and by some other external factors. In one hand, individual skills can directly influence entrepreneurial intentions. In the other hand, external factors have a moderator effect between individual skills and entrepreneurial intentions. Moreover, it was found out that people’s individual skills change during the course of being a labor migrant. Therefore, the research methodology included the direct relationship between labor migration and individual skills, and the direct relationship between individual skills and entrepreneurial intentions. Additionally, the moderating effects of external factors in the relationship between individual skills and entrepreneurial intentions. In order to collect data, a survey-based research was conducted and the sample population was determined based on the Fintech industry in Lithuania. There were 323 participants in the survey. The survey questions were created based on the findings from the literature review. To measure labor migration, findings from literate review were created. To measure change in individual skills, the Big Five Personality Traits measurement was used. To measure entrepreneurial intentions, the Entrepreneurial Intentions Questionnaire measurement scale was used. However, the researcher’s main limitation was the absence of a measurement scales to measure the external factors we wanted to measure. Thus it resulted in having a statistical insignificant data about the external factors. In total, there were six hypotheses and linear regression, multiple regression, and PROCESS by Hayes tests were used to analyze the data. Three of the hypotheses were accepted, we concluded that labor migration positively influence the change of individual skills by 0.311, while change in individual skills also positively influence entrepreneurial intentions by 0.79. Additionally there is a slight influence of labor migration on entrepreneurial intentions directly by 0.044. Thus, the total effect of labor migration on entrepreneurial intentions is 0.2735. However due to statistical significance we could not confirm the moderating effect of external factors on entrepreneurial intentions. As a conclusion, this research draws the attention of policy makers to focus on providing the mentorship and supportive community for future entrepreneurs, and to create a suitable startup system. Lastly, this research encourages of using a mixed methods of quantitative and qualitative in order to reach the desired and saturated data.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2023