Title Technological progress, innovation trends and their influence on economic growth in oecd countries (eu study case) /
Translation of Title Technologinė pažanga ir inovacijų tendencijos bei jų įtaka EBPO šalių ekonomikos augimui (ES šalių tyrimas).
Authors Gruzdas, Karolis
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Pages 119
Keywords [eng] technological progress, innovation trends, economic growth, OECD, EU, panel data
Abstract [eng] The main aim of this scientific study is to analyze the technological progress, innovations trends as an closely interconnected phenomenons in one regression model. Model will be testing latter phenomenons impact as independent effects impact on economic growth. Here dependent variable – gross domestic product. The Master thesis consists of introduction and the four chapters in the body part. Body part consisting of literature analysis provided in the first chapter, empirical research methodology provided in the second chapter, the graphical and desciptive data analysis presented in the third, the empirical research correlation and regression analyses written in the fourth. Last but study paper are finished with conclusions and recommendations. In this scientific study author gathered and analyzed studies based on the latest academic sources. Analyzed scientific literature stress the fact that both phenomenons are significant factors in macroeconomic country development. In the research methodology part scholar presented the key panel models and theoretical concepts which allowed to build the pooled ordinary least squares and fixed effects regression models for empirical methodology part. This research paper highlight the fact that three out of six techological progress defining variables has statistically significant effect and no out of three innovation trends defining variables have effect on gross domestic product development. Study contributes to the scientific and academic community by analyzing the technological progress and innovation trends effects on economic growth in the OECD EU countries which consists of 22 nations. The research period 1996-2021.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2023