Title Šiuolaikinių medijų naudojimas ugdyme: autorių teisių apsauga /
Translation of Title Using modern media in education: protection of copyright.
Authors Augustinaitė, Elena
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Pages 81
Abstract [eng] Using modern media in education : Protection of Copyright Modern media, coupled with rapidly advancing technologies, promote a more engaging learning process and develop the technological skills essential for modern individuals. However, we must not overlook the threats posed by the media that surrounds us. Our everyday lives are saturated with texts, sounds, and messages. As media theorist McLuhan would say, these "messages" can influence people's emotions, easily propagate falsehoods and manipulations, encourage an interest in superficial matters, and divert attention. Therefore, the importance of critical thinking becomes crucial. This topic has become particularly relevant in the face of the global pandemic, which has unexpectedly shifted the learning process to virtual space, leading to a significant increase in screen time. This master's thesis explores media education, defines the scope outlined by UNESCO and Lithuanian organizations, and identifies entities that protect copyright and implement educational projects. It delves into the Meno avilys project called "Meno teisės, mano pareigos!" (MEMA) in detail. The first part of the thesis examines the significance of media in education within the global and Lithuanian context based on media communication theory. The second part focuses on micropolitics and the problematic aspects of copyright in schools, exploring legitimacy, control, and creativity through critical theorists of pedagogy and poststructuralism. The empirical part of the study employs a qualitative content analysis strategy. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews conducted with the participants of the "Meno teisės, mano pareigos!" (MEMA) project, including educators and teachers. The analysis of the research results confirms the relevance of the topic. It highlights main copyright-related issues such as internet usage concerns, the lack of legal platforms for educators, insufficient consolidated information and innovative methods, and absence of educators with legal knowledge. Additionally, it identifies necessary future steps, including mandatory dissemination, recurring training opportunities for teachers, and the integration of copyright principles into regulated educational programs.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023