Title Vokietijos asimetriška tarpusavio priklausomybė nuo Rusijos. Socialinio kontrakto tarp verslo elito, visuomenės ir valdžios įtaka užsienio politikos Rusijos atžvilgiu formavimuisi /
Translation of Title Germany's asymmetrical interdependence with russia. the influence of the social contract between the business elite, society and government on the formation of foreign policy towards russia.
Authors Leonavičiūtė, Milda
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Pages 69
Abstract [eng] This paper examines the formation of asymmetric interdependence between Germany and Russia and the influence of German society and business on the government through the social contract, supporting revisionist policies with an aggressively acting Russia. During the research, a qualitative case study was carried out, which analyzed the formation of Germany's energy dependence on Russia, the public discourse of society - survey data, statements of public figures; business elite and political discourse - documents, official announcements, survey data, speeches, other political messages, also the role of the media and economy in foreign policy. The social contract theory was used as a rational interpretation approach while researching how the social contract kept foreign policy intact, while the asymmetric interdependence was increasing.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023