Title Krikščioniškųjų vertybių raiška 1–8 klasių muzikos pamokose: vadovėlių turinio analizė /
Translation of Title Expression of christian values in music lessons in grades 1-8: a content analysis of textbooks.
Authors Kauneckas, Klaidas
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Pages 64
Abstract [eng] The Master’s thesis discusses the development of Christian values through music. The object of the research is the expression of Christian values in music lessons in grades 1-8. The aim of the research is to reveal the aspects of the expression of Christian values in music lessons in grades 1-8. Research objectives: to review the concept and historical development of Christian values; to discuss the expression of Christian values in the performance strategies of Catholic and traditional general education schools; to discuss the features of psychosocial development of primary, basic and gymnasium grade students; to reveal the perception of Christian values in the reality of music education; to carry out content analysis of primary and basic grade textbooks in the context of the expression of Christian values. The following conclusions were obtained after the analysis of scientific literature and qualitative research: 1) Values are defined as the individual’s specificity that helps to understand the characteristics of objects and meanings of the world. They help the individual to adapt to the environment, to choose the most important aspects of cultural, social, and economic life. 2) In Catholic schools, special emphasis is placed on value education, which is the basis of teaching, thus creating conditions not only for the cultivation of Christian values, but also for the growth of a holistic personality; 3) The individual’s psychosocial growth depends on the formation of his/her attitude and world-view, cognitive skills and aspiration to become a full-fledged and responsible personality; 4) Music lessons help to shape the inner world of the student and develop imagination. Musical abilities are developed through various musical activities: singing, playing, creating, games, rhythming and solfeggio tasks and listening to music. 5) While writing the Master’s thesis, 20 music textbooks by different authors, which consisted of 1057 different topics, were analysed. In the textbook “Vieversys” (Lark) (2010), it can be seen that the authors pay more attention to folklore, secularity and culture when creating the content of the textbooks. In Krakauskaitė’s textbooks “Lakštutė” (Nightingale) (2004), the teacher is given the freedom of choice. The themes and importance of not only Christmas but also Easter emerge. In Velička’s textbooks “Mano muzika” (My Music) (2007), Christian values can be seen mainly in the themes of Christian holidays. After analysing Malikėnienė’s 5th-8th grade textbooks “Muzika” (Music) (2010) and “Muzikos labirintai” (Labyrinths of Music) (2012), it can be assumed that the author pays more attention to the development of students’ secularity and understanding of music. The history of music, which reflects the changes in music, plays a very important role in the textbooks. Balčytis’ series of textbooks “Muzika” (Music) (2007) best reflects the Christian faith, its meaning and the values cultivated. In these textbooks, one can find most of the holidays, songs, chants and theory on this topic. All Christian holidays have a theoretical and musical basis.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023