Title Kultūrinių projektų poveikis romų socializacijai ir integracijai Lietuvoje /
Translation of Title The impact of cultural projects on roma socialization and integration in lithuania.
Authors Mačiulevičiūtė, Kansuela
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Pages 68
Abstract [eng] SUMMARY The theme of the final Master’s thesis is “The impact of cultural projects on Roma socialization and integration in Lithuania”. Ethnic minorities contribute to the cultivation of state culture, common history, and support of diversity. Therefore, countries must promote their integration and socialization. Although the dissemination of culture is one of the factors promoting socialization, it might be assumed that the participation of ethnic minorities in cultural projects in Lithuania is insufficient. The question arises, what is the impact of cultural projects on the integration and socialization of ethnic minorities in Lithuania? Object of the research – integration and socialization of national minorities in Lithuania through cultural projects. Aim of the research – to reveal the impact of cultural projects on the integration and socialization of national minorities in Lithuania. The following objectives were set: to define the concept of ethnic minorities; to reveal the content of socialization and integration phenomena of ethnic minorities; to analyze the possibilities of participation of ethnic minorities in cultural events and to determine the impact of cultural projects on ethnic minorities. Methodology of the research: participation in cultural projects is one of the factors of the socialization of ethnic minorities, however, assessing the impact of a cultural project on the integration and socialization of ethnic minorities is considered as a complex task. The strengthening of cultural values and norms of ethnic minorities partly depends on their social environment. In order to reveal the impact of cultural projects on the integration and socialization of national minorities in Lithuania, it is important to study the experiences of their participants, which is best revealed by qualitative research using the interview. Methods of the research: analysis and summarization of pedagogical and psychological literature; qualitative research – interviews with representatives of ethnic minorities who have participated in various cultural projects; analysis of research results. Sample: 5 research participants – representatives of the Roma, who have participated in cultural projects. Results of the research: while spreading their national culture, the Roma engage in artistic activities, organize and participate in various events aimed at preserving their heritage and traditions. The variety of experiences of the Roma participation in cultural projects was determined: people’s support and gratitude, a feeling of community, usefulness and necessity was revealed. When others notice the efforts of the Roma, positive feedback is received, which leads to a positive experience of participating in cultural projects. This process presents many challenges related to teamwork and lack of communication. Participation in cultural projects and the preparation of such projects encourages Roma to move forward, motivates them to make progress and strive for more, socialize, provides meaningful choices, helps them realize the value of their life plans.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023