Title Reformos hermeneutika Benedikto XVI (Josepho Ratzingerio) liturginio atsinaujinimo sampratoje /
Translation of Title The hermeneutic of reform in benedict xvi's (joseph ratzinger's) concept of liturgical renewal.
Authors Rybakovas, Artūras
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Pages 95
Abstract [eng] This Master's thesis examines Benedict XVI's (Joseph Ratzinger's) approach to the Second Vatican Council's Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium, to the liturgical reform mandated by the Council, and to the post-conciliar liturgical life of the Church. It seeks to show how the hermeneutic of reform as an interpretative approach is manifested in Ratzinger's liturgical thinking and in his activities related to ecclesial worship. The work highlights the characteristics of Ratzinger's liturgical thinking and the stages of its development, as well as the problems that this pastor and theologian perceived in the liturgical reform and in the practice of the post-reform liturgy. In order to better understand the context of Ratzinger's liturgical thinking, the main statements of the liturgical constitution promulgated by the Council are presented, as well as the main features of the liturgical reform that followed the Council.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023