Title "Islamo grėsmės" įvaizdis televizijoje /
Translation of Title Image of "islamic threat" on television.
Authors Didžiūnaitytė, Edita
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Pages 84
Abstract [eng] Today exclusive attention focuses on Muslims, their religion Islam, exclusive and distinctive lifestyle and the ever growing threat – terrorism. Now is obviously, a time in which Islam to Muslims is not only religion, it is law and morality, culture and mind rule of life. this is Muslims political ideology. The power of religion has always been strong in the Muslim world, but in these last decades, Islam as political ideology has become very strong and in some places has become radical. Strong processes of globalization, Israel’s rise and western culture expansion within the Muslim world, has been resisted by its people, this resistance is still growing and growing. In this place Islam is already not only the religion, but political ideology, which exists to represent and to protect Muslims, as strong players in world religions and region maps. We can’t forget that every fifth person in the world is Muslim: in fifty seven countries they are the majority. The main purpose of the paper was to detect „islam threat“ in television (CNN television), so the main attention is to detect how ”Islam threat” images are made in television. To detect why Islam is represented as a threat, when Muslims say, that Islam is a religion of peace. To detect these dimensions (aspects) the main object of the paper is to measure “Islam threat” in television. Paper tasks are: to characterize Islam and its functions in Islamic cultures and to present the modern Islam; To rate and to understand how television broadcasts images; To evaluate the connection between Islam and terrorism; And to analyze Islam, as a threat, through images on television. The work forms three parts. In the first part we discuss Islam and Muslims, modern Islam, Islam fundamentalists and western expansion in Muslim countries. In the second part we concentrate on television, how television broadcasts images and who is influencing television programs. Also in this part we discuss the Islam threat of terrorism. How Koran is connected with terror and about the very new term “Islam phobia”. In the third (analysis) part we analyze Islam as a threat on CNN television news programs and try to look over reportage connected with Islam, Muslim and terrorism on a time perspective, after this we look at reportage content and syntax and eventually we try to prove or to deny in public settled opinions by analyzing CNN reportages. The main method of analysis was CNN televisions news reportages analysis, which was connected to Islam, Muslim and Terrorism. Analysis involved reportages which CNN had broadcast between the beginning of May 2005 till the end of April 2007. After analysis the findings are: Islam is a powerful religion and can not be analyzed looking through “western eyes”. Muslims immigrants living in western countries do not want to accept “western country” rules and formalities; Television is the only one media which can propagate information to all age groups and influence large audiences, affording to create all kinds of images about Islam, Muslims and terrorism. Now the main threat is terrorism, television is using images to created a wrong image of Islam and Koran. After analyzing CNN reportages connected with Islam, Muslims and terrorism the finding are, that not only television, but different people, specially countries or different organizations leaders, are trying to create different images of Islam, Muslims and their connection with terrorism to reach certain goals. CNN is using very forceful pictures and lexis to create the perceived threat of Islam, to the countries which are connected with war in Iraq and countries which have influence over Muslims and Muslim countries. After the survey of all CNN reportages about Islam, Muslims and terror, we can confirm that CNN represents only USA interest regions and directions.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009