Title On a stability of non-stationary discrete schemes with respect to interpolation errors /
Authors Čiegis, Raimondas ; Suboč, Olga ; Čiegis, Remigijus
DOI 10.3390/axioms13040244
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Is Part of Axioms: Special Issue: Mathematical Models and Simulations II.. Basel : MDPI. 2024, vol. 13, iss. 4, art. no. 244, p. [1-15].. eISSN 2075-1680
Keywords [eng] finite-difference schemes ; Galerkin schemes ; non-uniform grids ; adaptive grids ; hyperbolic problems ; parabolic problems ; stability ; interpolation errors ; projection errors
Abstract [eng] The aim of this article is to analyze the efficiency and accuracy of finite-difference and finite-element Galerkin schemes for non-stationary hyperbolic and parabolic problems. The main problem solved in this article deals with the construction of accurate and efficient discrete schemes on nonuniform and dynamic grids in time and space. The presented stability and convergence analysis enables improving the existing accuracy estimates. The obtained stability results show explicitly the rate of accumulation of interpolation and projection errors that arise due to the movement of grid points. It is shown that the cases when the time grid steps are doubled or halved have different stability properties. As an additional technique to improve the accuracy of discretizations on non-stationary space grids, it is recommended to use projection operators instead of interpolation operators. This technique is used to solve a test parabolic problem. The results of specially selected computational experiments are also presented, and they confirm the accuracy of all theoretical error estimates obtained in this article.
Published Basel : MDPI
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2024
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