Title |
A territorial structure of Lithuania‘s political field (on the basis of electoral method) / |
Translation of Title |
Lietuvos politinio lauko teritorinė struktūra (elektorinio metodo pagrindu). |
Authors |
Petrulis, Valdas |
Full Text |
Pages |
46 |
Keywords [eng] |
electoral geography ; electoral method ; political field ; Lithuania ; territorial (spatial) structure |
Abstract [eng] |
The territorial regularities of Lithuania’s sociopolitical development after the independency reestablishment are revealed in this paper. A territorial structure of Lithuania’s political field is analyzed on the basis of electoral method. Four groups of political phenomena are distinguished according to an interpretation of an elections results’ significance: 1) geopolitical attitudes, 2) assessment of the authorities, 3) political ideology and 4) assessment of the authorities’ division. The territorial structure of the political phenomena is revealed referring to the results of the referendums in 1991 and 2003 at the municipalities’ level and of the elections of the President, the Parliament and the Municipality in 1996-2007 at the wards’ level. The main regularities of the territorial structure are identified in each group of political phenomena. Lithuania’s electoral territorial structure distinguishes for a stable regional expression in a period since the statehood’s reestablishment. 6-7 large territorial formations constantly distinguish for special electoral attitudes and peculiar dynamics of the electorate’s behavior and structure in the context of surrounding environment. A constant imbalance of separate regions according to predominance of political ideology and a constant imbalance of political forces’ support in separate urban-rural units’ types, that are characteristic to Lithuania, are highlighted in this paper. Territorial differences of Lithuania’s electorate are summarized according to a ratio of traditional-protest electorates and left-right in the scheme of Lithuania’s political regionalization. |
Type |
Summaries of doctoral thesis |
Language |
English |
Publication date |
2009 |