Abstract [eng] |
Loyal clients are staunched to one company, brand or product. Very often loyal clients help to attract new customers, usually people from their environment, in such way loyal users make promotional function into which company do not invest. For company is better to have a constant client when every time to look for new one. In this work loyalty is researched in internet environment and revealed why users are e-loyal to web site. The object of this work is e-loyalty factors in corporate websites. The aim of work “The drivers effecting e-loyalty in corporate websites” is to research factors encouraging user to visit company’s web site constantly. The main tasks of this work are following: 1) to summarize conception of e-loyalty and its formation models in the theoretical part, also to colligate in the literature presented opportunities of attracting visitors to web site and present model of e-loyalty. 2) to determine drivers in corporate website Prisimink.lt and present proposals how to increase web site users‘ e-loyalty. in the research part of this work. This work consists of introduction, three parts, and conclusions. In the first part of this work is presented e-loyalty theoretical studies, e- loyalty models, how e-loyalty is composed. In the second part of this work is presented aims and tasks of corporate website Prisimink.lt which belongs to Bayer Schering Pharma corporation. In the third part are researched and analyzed factors effecting visitors to stay or not longer in website. The questionnaire was made according to e-loyalty factors marked by e-loyalty researchers E.Smith, A.Gommans, W.Rodgers and others.Finally in the conclusions are listed proposals how to enrich services that website user would be satisfied, as from satisfaction emerges e-loyalty. All scientists who were researching e-loyalty differently presented factors effecting users’ e-loyalty. However in many models dominate similar factors. E-loyalty can not be determined unambiguous, there is not only one answer what is effecting users’ e-loyalty to website. Summarizing definitions of e-loyalty presented by different scientists we could emphasize that e-loyal user is constantly coming visitor to website who seeks benefit from interaction and communication. In the researched models we can accentuate 2 intermediate factors: satisfaction and experience which become mediate link between website’s functions and e-loyalty. Website’s functions are also called e-loyalty factors in these models. Actually these two intermediate factors –satisfaction and experience accentuate e-loyalty researchers as E.Smith, Yonn, Simon, D.Cyr, P.Lazarus, J.Chiou in their e-loyalty models. In the Prisimink.lt users’ e-loyalty research participated 3 288 registered users from 14 000. Invitations to participate in this research were sent by e-mails. Even though 96% respondents evaluated Prisimink.lt website positively it is better to make attention into their remarks. The most popular service is e- health calendar for women; even 77% respondents use it. No other Lithuanian website has such service. Users’ suggest widening technical possibilities, e.g. system possibilities to print history and health prognosis of few months. Besides respondents suggested that forum moderator would pay more attention to the forum visitors and implement more interesting discussions e.g. about company’s products. In this web site should be more interactive services, entertainment e.g. test, exam; users who passed exams the best should get the specific asset. Interactivity rises into satisfaction and attracts users. Also information should not be from one side. When quality of service, system and information is improved users would be satisfied and will come to website more often. |