Title "Project managers perspective on creating company value via project management model" /
Translation of Title "Projektų vadovų perspektyva apie kuriamą įmonės vertę naudojant projekto valdymo modelį".
Authors Falejeva, Olga
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Pages 71
Keywords [eng] Stage-gate model, project management, value creation, perspective, framework.
Abstract [eng] The aim of the thesis was to analyse key factors in project management and determine the main contributors for value creation in an organisation through the context of a project management model. The objectives of the thesis were to analyse the key factors in projects and project management in the context of value creation. Research project management models with decision making framework. Present a methodology to determine the beneficial approaches that contribute to value creation in project management. And conduct research and present results on most effective approaches, that contribute to the value growth of a company throughout the project life cycle. To achieve the objectives of this paper and to distinguish the value creators within a project management model, several different techniques were applied for data analysis, such as theoretical evaluation of scientific literature, a qualitative study – a structured interview. In hope that empirical research will provide more reliable and targeted results, to uncover the drivers of value, which factors create value for companies through the project management model. The gathered information was analysed accordingly, the thematical analysis method was chosen to be able to systematically and in an understandable manner to deliver the obtained results of the structured interviews. The gathered and analysed information presented different and well-argued findings regarding the main value creators in project management. As eight factors were analysed, the perspectives of project managers aligned on their importance in the life cycle of a project, but only four of the approaches were evident as the main value drivers.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2022