Title "Links between communication and trust in virtual it project teams with project success and team satisfaction" /
Translation of Title "Komunikacijos ir pasitikėjimo virtualiose IT projektų komandose sąsajos su projekto sėkme ir komandos narių pasitenkinimu projektu".
Authors Galvonaitė, Ieva
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Pages 65
Keywords [eng] Komunikacija, pasitikėjimas, virtualios komandos, IT projektų komandos, sprojekto sėkmė, komandos narių pasitenkinimas projektu, Communication, Trust, virtual teams, IT Project Teams, Project Success, Team Members' Satisfaction with Project
Abstract [eng] This Master’s thesis analyzes relations of eight different communication aspects and trust between team members and trust in team leader in virtual IT project teams with project success and team members’ satisfaction with project. The aim of master’s thesis is to analyze links between communication and trust in virtual IT project teams with project success and team satisfaction. Objectives include analysis of topic related theoretical aspects, analysis of how communication aspects in virtual IT project team is related to trust between team members and team members’ trust in leader, and to evaluation of project success and the team members’ satisfaction with project; whether and how team members' trust in leader and trust between team members is related to evaluation of the project success and the team members’ satisfaction with project, concluding with practical recommendations and conclusions based on empirical results. Master’s Thesis research was conducted using quantitative research method analyzing variables named above. Research conducted online, using online survey platform. Results confirmed findings provided by other authors, trust and communication is related with team members’ satisfaction with the project. Assumption made from literature analysis, that project success is related to communication and trust, was confirmed. Also, further research could be performed with different communication and trust variables, and/or larger sample size.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2022