Title "Practices of project manager to manage stakeholders‘ expectations using emotional intelligence framework" /
Translation of Title "Projekto vadovo praktikos valdyti suinteresuotųjų šalių lūkesčius emocinio intelekto rėmuose".
Authors Sinkevičienė, Kornelija
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Pages 67
Keywords [eng] Stakeholder management, expectation management, emotional intelligence, MSCEIT, practices of project managers, suinteresuotųjų šalių valdymas, lūkesčių valdymas, emocinis intelektas, MSCEIT, projektų vadovų praktika.
Abstract [eng] Short description of MA thesis: Due to the constantly changing project management area it is important to determine influencing factors. Project stakeholders were identified as one of the essential determinants, their performance, and expectations play an important role in the process of the project and its outcome. It was chosen to analyze project managers’ practices of managing stakeholder groups – the clients and their respective expectations considering their position in the company. To develop the categorization of the management practices, an emotional intelligence framework providing relevant topics for discussions with research respondents was chosen. Aim and Objectives: the aim of this thesis is to identify the categorization of project managers’ practices of dealing with project stakeholders and compare management practices by stakeholders’ position in the company. To accomplish that following objectives were determined: 1) To conduct a literature review that will provide a sound basis of emotional intelligence, project managers and project stakeholder management theory thus reveal key concepts for the research background; 2) Using an interview-based method to develop the most dominant patterns of dealing with the project stakeholders’ expectations; 3) To compare the expectations management differences by stakeholder’s position in the company; 4) According to the received results by conducting interviews, develop the categorization of practices, recommendations, and conclusions. Methodology and Results: to conduct the study, an inductive qualitative content analysis method was chosen. The empirical data was gathered by semi-structured interviews with 8 project managers, who were selected according to predetermined criteria. The results received from the interview were analyzed and categories of management practices were concluded. Received and analyzed data from the interviews were presented in the matrix table. Conclusions. The research was conducted based on the MSCEIT theory framework and provided topics for project managers’ stakeholders’ management practices. As the academic literature lacked categorization it was developed from the collected data and 11 practices of managing stakeholders were identified. Moreover, the practices were compared by the stakeholder’s position in the company and substantial differences were identified. Furthermore, it was noticed that clients who do not manage their emotions well tend to be treated differently compared to the ones who are pleasant to work with emotionally.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2022