Title "Virtual project managers’ work stress: sources, consequences, and management at an international language service company" /
Translation of Title "Virtualių projektų vadovų stresas darbe: šaltiniai, pasekmės ir valdymas tarptautinėje kalbos paslaugų įmonėje".
Authors Sužiedėlytė, Evelina
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Pages 83
Keywords [eng] work stress, virtual project managers, translation project management, language service company, stressors, work stress consequences, language service provider.
Abstract [eng] Thesis Description. Traditionally considered an academic discipline for planning-oriented methodologies and, in many aspects, an application of optimization theory, project management has a long history. Other academic fields have gained a prominent interest in virtual project management in recent years. The requirement for an internal discussion on new management methods for virtual teams becomes even more relevant as the field rapidly grows due to the increase of remote or hybrid workplaces. Virtual project management stress is a complicated topic that should be looked at from various angles. The stress sources, consequences, and management of remotely working project managers at an international language service company are discussed in this study. Aims and objectives of MA thesis. The purpose of this master's thesis is to identify the sources of work stress among virtually working Project Managers throughout project implementation, to identify the major elements that may increase or decrease the likelihood of them experiencing stress, and to examine stress coping and organizational management strategies. The study's objectives are as follows: to prepare a theoretical background for the study of virtual project managers’ work stress: sources, consequences, and management at an international language service company; to analyze empirically project managers’ experienced stress at work and the consequences of stress for managerial work; to determine stress-increasing factors in project managers’ work; to analyze project managers’ stress decreasing factors related to work and personal resources and stress management measures; to formulate conclusions and recommendations for stress-relieving methods on individual and organizational levels, and possibilities for organizational assistance in combatting project managers’ stress in ways that benefit both the employees and the organization itself. Methods used in MA thesis and results. To acquire empirical evidence, a qualitative research technique was adopted. The data was collected through 9 interviews with members of the Project Management department at various levels of seniority of the international language service company X. Factors that could enhance or decrease the likelihood of work stress (sources), coping methods, and stress consequences were found through the analysis of the results. The data was broken down into three degrees of seniority in the project management department: junior project manager, project manager, and senior project manager. Conclusions. Workplace stress is common among virtual translation Project Managers, according to the findings of the study. The findings of the study reveal the most important factors that can increase or decrease the likelihood of work stress for virtual translation Project Managers. It was also revealed how stress in the workplace affects work processes - the quality of work and the result of the final product deteriorates, as well as the long-term consequences for employee self-esteem and organizational development were disclosed. Furthermore, stress coping techniques have been identified. To relieve stress at work, virtual project managers try to tackle problems that cause tension or seek relief through active distractions such as smoking, music, exercise, and emotional support. Practical advice, as well as the research’s implications and limits, are provided after the study.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2022