Title Skirtingų kartų darbuotojų motyvacijos ir pilietiško elgesio sąsajos organizacijose /
Translation of Title Links between different generation employees motivation and citizenship behavior in organizations.
Authors Geštautaitė, Gabrielė
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Pages 72
Abstract [eng] LINKS BETWEEN DIFFERENT GENERATION EMPLOYEES MOTIVATION AND CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR IN ORGANIZATIONS Gabrielė GEŠTAUTAITĖ Master thesis Human Resources Management study programme Vilnius University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Supervisor – prof. dr. D. Diskienė Vilnius, 2022 SUMMARY 59 pages, 21 tables, 10 pictures, 81 references. The main goal of the thesis is to evaluate the links between the motivation and organizational citizenship behavior of different generations of employees in organizations. The final part of the master's thesis consists of four parts. The first part is an introduction, in which the relevance of the topic is presented, the aim of the work is raised, the problem is presented, the object is described, the tasks of the work and research methods are shown, and the structure of the work is named. The second part analyzes the scientific literature and presents the theoretical aspects of different generations of employees, motivation and citizenship behavior in the organization, the third part describes the empirical research and its results. The fourth part presents conclusions and recommendations. The analysis of the literature showed that in order to motivate an employee, it is necessary to find out what motives and needs encourage him to act, what expectations the employee has in the company, and only then apply appropriate measures to each employee. Comparing theories of job satisfaction and process motivation, it can be assumed that theories of job satisfaction are more related to the different needs and desires of employees, and theories of process motivation are more related to people’s behavior. Various concepts of civic behavior have been formed in the scientific literature, some of which are perceived as voluntary civic behavior, others as employee behavior, which influences the better functioning of the organization. It is analyzed that the organization influences the satisfaction of the employee’s need for motivation and the peripetias of organizational citizenship behavior. Examining the links between employee motivation and organizational citizenship behavior, it was found that it is important for motivated employees to play an additional role in their organizational citizenship behavior and to meet personal standards.If employees are positive about work motivation, it can be assumed that their behavior will also reflect organizational citizenship. We can assume that motivation is related to organizational citizenship behavior. The study surveyed 388 employees of different ages. During the quantitative research, the aim, object and goals of the research were set. The group of respondents was selected based on the latter's ability to work. The paper presents the research model and methods, substantiates the research tools and calculates the research sample. The results of the study suggest that intergenerational effects do influence the manifestations of the relationship between motivation and organizational citizenship behavior. The behavior of the motivated employee is changing and he is more civic towards the organization, but comparing this relationship with the X and Z generation regimes, the result was also made by the generation of employees to notice that the moderator has links between motivation and organizational citizenship behavior.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022