Title Nuotolinio darbo įtaka darbo identitetui ir emocinei darbuotojų gerovei /
Translation of Title Influence of teleworking on work identity and job-related affective well-being.
Authors Lukoševičiūtė, Gražvilė
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Pages 149
Abstract [eng] 149 pages, 28 tables, 6 pictures, 155 references. The main purpose of this master thesis is to identify the relations between job demands (information underload, isolation, role ambiguity) and resources (autonomy, workplace social support, remote work self-efficacy) that occur while teleworking, job-related affective well-being and work identity. This paper consists of the analysis of literature, the presentation of methodology, the research and its results, conclusions, recommendations, and practical suggestions. The analysis of literature presents Job Demands-Resources theory, defines the concepts of teleworking, work identity, and job-related affective well-being, systemizes job demands and resources that occur while teleworking, discusses the links between those job demands and resources, work identity and job-related affective well-being that were revealed in previous researches of other authors. A quantitative study was conducted using a structured online survey. 252 employees of Lithuanian organizations working remotely participated in the study. Statistical analysis of the obtained data was performed using SPSS and JASP software packages. Relations were revealed through regression, mediation, factor confirmatory, and structural equation analyzes. The results of the study showed links between workplace social support, work identity (specifically, person-organization fit), and job-related affective well-being (specifically, job enthusiasm). It turned out that greater support from colleagues while teleworking strengthens the employee's identification with work and the feeling that he or she is suitable for the organization and the organization is suitable for him, thus strengthening his affective well-being and positive attitude to work. The findings and practical suggestions of the study can be useful for HR professionals in organizations that apply the teleworking model and seek to ensure a strong perceived work identity and job-related affective well-being of teleworkers.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022