Title Autentiškos lyderystės įtaka darbuotojų gerovei ir įsitraukimui į darbą /
Translation of Title The impact of authentic leadership on employees' well-being and engagement at work.
Authors Rotkevič, Elžbieta
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Pages 88
Abstract [eng] 87 pages, 22 tables, 6 figures, and 60 references. The aim of this master’s thesis is to demonstrate the impact of authentic leadership on employees’ wellbeing and engagement at work and to provide practical recommendations. The following objectives were set forth to achieve this goal: 1. Based on the scientific literature, analyse the concepts of leadership, employee wellbeing and employee engagement. 2. Based on the scientific literature and empirical research, identify the links between authentic leadership, employee wellbeing and employees’ engagement. 3. Examine the impact of authentic leadership on employee engagement and wellbeing through empirical research. 5. Provide conclusions and practical recommendations to increase employee well-being and engagement. The master’s thesis is comprised of: introduction, three main sections, conclusions, and recommendations. In the first part, the author analyses the theories of leadership, employee wellbeing, employee engagement, and their common threads. In section two, the author presents their research model, including its methods, key stages, and structure. The primary research aim was to determine how an authentic style of leadership influences employee wellbeing and workplace engagement. To this end, 414 people were surveyed. The collected data were systematically processed using the SPSS program. In the third section, the analysis and results of the research data are presented. This study deployed the following methods: descriptive statistics, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro Wilk tests, Cronbach's alpha, means, standard deviation, regression analysis, and mediation. Study findings revealed that authentic leadership has a direct impact on employee wellbeing and workplace engagement. A statistically significant and positive relationship was found between these phenomena. It was also established that workplace engagement mediates the link between authentic leadership and employee well-being. Lastly, to conclude, the author presents the results of the study, conclusions, research limitations and recommendations. According to the author, that due to research limitations, these constructs should be investigated in further research.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022