Title „BIX Berlin'89, prieš mūsų erą“, grafikos darbų ciklas /
Translation of Title "BIX berlin’89. before our era". cycle of graphic works.
Authors Urbonavičius, Saulius
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Pages 40
Abstract [eng] This article discusses the scientific approach towards the art discourse. The problem occurs while trying to investigate particular Lithuanian art phenomenon – „BIX“ rock band. To reveal it, Western positivism is opposed to the wisdom of the East, to bring the answer which could lead to better understanding of the contextual subjectivities. During the research it came clear that while Western art discourse dominates Lithuanian art study field, the art itself contains many aspects from the eastern Daoism tradition. In the end, the rock music album “Bix Berlin’89” is presented to illustrate the ideas of the theoretical part.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022