Title Sergančių išsėtine skleroze gydymosi našta, įveikos strategijos ir psichologinė gerovė /
Translation of Title The burden of treatment, coping strategies, and psychological well-being in patients with multiple sclerosis.
Authors Stirbytė, Audronė
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Pages 84
Abstract [eng] Treatment burden, coping strategies and psychological well-being of patients with multiple sclerosis, Stirbytė, Audronė. Vilnius: Vilnius University, 2022, p. 84. Studies have found that coping strategies and personality traits used by people with multiple sclerosis are related to psychological well-being. However, it is not clear how the burden of treatment can affect the psychological well-being of patients, what coping strategies are used to cope with stressful situations, and how available personality traits can contribute to this. With this in mind, the aim of this study is to analyze the factors predicting the psychological well-being of people with multiple sclerosis, the relationship between socio-demographic characteristics, personality, coping strategies, treatment burden, and psychological well-being in people with multiple sclerosis. The study included 64 people with multiple sclerosis (11 men (17.2%), 53 women (82.8%), mean age was 39.03 years (SD = 11.61). The Mental Health Continuum – short form, The Burden of Treatment questionnaire, the Big Five Inventory, and the Improved Four-Factor Coping with Stress Questionnaire were used for the study. It has been found that when sociodemographic and disease variables are controlled, strategies for overcoming social support and avoidance in patients with MS allow for a significant prediction of the overall well-being and emotional well-being of patients. Social support also predicts a factor of psychological well-being, and higher extraversion, lower treatment burden, and greater propensity to use strategies to overcome social support or avoidance predict higher levels of social well-being in patients with MS.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022