Title Stylistic representation of ‘self’ and ‘other’ in light of postcolonial theory: case studies from poetry and fiction /
Translation of Title „Savęs“ ir „Svetimo“ stilistinis vaizdavimas postkolonializmo teorijoje: poezijos ir prozos atvejai.
Authors Binici, Buse
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Pages 36
Keywords [eng] postcolonial stylistics, postcolonial studies, stylistics, opposition in discourse, binarism, opposition construction, antonymy, opposition, dichotomy, othering, canonical antonymy, unconventional opposites, kolonializmo diskurse, postkolonializmas, stilistika, opozicija, priešpastatymas, stilistinė analizė, opozicija diskurse, netradicinė opozicija diskurse, kritinis kolionializmo diskursas
Abstract [eng] Although a considerable amount of research has been devoted to stylistics and postcolonial study separately, rather fewer attempts have been made to develop postcolonial stylistics. This MA thesis titled “Stylistic Representation of ‘Self’ and ‘Other’ in Light of Postcolonial Theory: Case Studies from Poetry and Fiction” aims to contribute to the neglected area of postcolonial stylistics. The research seeks to illustrate opposition construction in postcolonial literature along with its subversive and critical functions. Drawing on Matt Davies’ (2008) and Lesley Jeffries’ (2010) typologies, this study investigates the underpinnings of contextual unconventional opposition in discourse. The qualitative analysis shows that opposition is foregrounded in Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye, Thomas Pringle’s “The Bushman” and “The Hottentot”, and Seamus Heaney’s “Requiem for the Croppies”. The results and findings suggest that constructed opposites in these works subvert, undermine and criticise the established colonial discourse and white dominant culture.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2022