Title Sveikos gyvensenos sąsaja su požiūriu į senatvę ir senėjimą /
Translation of Title The link between a healthy lifestyle and attitudes toward old age and ageing.
Authors Tidikytė, Edita
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Pages 75
Abstract [eng] Aging is one of the essential processes of human life, that is often accompanied by various physical, psychological, and social changes. Due to a rapidly aging society, the healthy aging is becoming increasingly important in order to maintain people's health for as long as possible and to extend their disease-free life expectancy. It is believed that the way people perceive old-age can also determine how they take care of their future health, so it is important to explore the implications this can have for people’s healthy lifestyles. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between views on aging and healthy lifestyles. The study included 202 (160 women) subjects with a mean age of 29,14 (SD = 8,8). Anxiety about Aging Scale, a revised version of The Fraboni Scale of Ageism and Subjective Age were used to assess subjects' attitudes toward aging. The Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire and the General Health Assessment were also used. The results indicated that those participants who felt younger than their chronological age, were less worried about aging, and had lower ageism lived healthier lives. Less anxiety about aging predicted a healthier lifestyle, and all aspects of the views on aging together significantly explained aspects of diet, physical activity, and coping with stress. Thus, in order to improve the health-related habits of society and individuals, it would be worthwhile to carry out interventions aimed at forming a more positive attitude towards aging, which would ultimately contribute to people's healthy lifestyles.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022