Title Tackling corruption: a contrastive study of metaphors in lithuanian and english public discourse /
Translation of Title Įveikiant korupciją: gretinamasis metaforų viešajame diskurse lietuvių ir anglų kalbomis tyrimas.
Authors Gecevičiūtė, Aira
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Pages 56
Keywords [eng] metafora, viešasis diskursas lietuvių kalba, viešasis diskursas anglų kalba, korupcija, pranešimai spaudai, metaphor, Lithuanian public discourse, English public discourse, corruption, press releases
Abstract [eng] The paper sets out to examine corruption metaphors in the Lithuanian and English public discourse. The public discourses analysed are formed by lead agencies investigating corruption-related criminal offences and non-governmental organisations seeking transparency. The main objective of the paper is to identify the source domains for conceptualising the abstract corruption phenomenon and compare the most prominent domains in both languages. The method chosen to achieve this objective is based on a combination of the establishment of the most common words using AntConc software and partially on the Metaphor Identification Procedure (MIP). The results demonstrate that OBJECT, FIGHT and PERSON/ANIMAL source domains prevail in both Lithuanian and English public discourses. Furthermore, it appears that the non-governmental organisations’ formation of public discourse on the topics of corruption and transparency, unlike the discourse formed by the law enforcement institutions, is much freer and characterised by a greater variety of metaphors. This variety, especially in the Lithuanian public discourse, is largely determined by the expert, evaluative insights of specific spokespersons, which complement other, more entrenched metaphors, such as fight against corruption, etc. In addition, the analysis uncovered several tendencies, namely, anti-corruption/transparency is still considered at a disadvantage while hostility towards corruption is demonstrated in the metaphors analysed.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2022