Title Mylimųjų konceptai prancūzų šansonuose /
Translation of Title The concepts of lovers in french chansons.
Authors Medžiūnaitė Žemaitienė, Eglė
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Pages 166
Abstract [eng] The thesis provides an overview of the development and work of the troubadours and the trouvers as well as the tradition of les chansons de geste, introduces the term chanson and its origins, and explores the meanings of love and lovers in dictionaries. The descriptive-analytical method as well as partially the Cognitive ethnolinguistic method of the Lublin School are used. The research material consists of 30 chansons from the 20th century. The analysis is based on the work of the earliest French composers and performers (troubadours and trouvères) as well as on French customs, Christian and Ancient values, and philosophy. The concepts of The Lovers from ancient times to the cultural environment of the 20th century, new denotants and changes in values are examined in the chansons. The lovers can be not only He and She, but also Motherland France and God. The language of chansons is studied: metaphors, antonyms, synonyms and derivatives. The chansons do not refer to His eyes and hair colors, but His hands are often described. She is described as beautiful, brown-eyed, or laughing-eyed, with evening-colored hair, brunette or blonde. If a relationship ends, both He and She may be left behind, but in the chansons more often He is the one who cries, like a troubadour suffering for love, because the singing is meant to forget the beloved. There is a prominent Christian theme, which is evident when the beauty of Kadix, having given up love and her lover, goes to a convent. The theme of the deceit of the beloved is present as well. Culturally, the chansons reflect the life and love of 19th century artists in Montmartre, and other famous landmarks reflecting French culture. Spanish and Gypsy names and places are found. This work and the chansons may be useful in teaching French to older pupils and adults as well as learning about French culture through its culture.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022