Title Odos dūrio mėginių ir molekulinių alergologinių tyrimų palyginimas, jų reikšmė alerginių kvėpavimo takų ir odos ligų diagnostikai /
Translation of Title Comparison of skin prick tests and molecular allergological tests, their significance for the diagnosis of allergic respiratory and skin diseases.
Authors Biliūtė, Gabija
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Pages 43
Abstract [eng] Aim of the research: To compare skin prick tests and molecular allergological tests and to determine their significance for the diagnosis of allergic respiratory and skin diseases. Methodology, study participants: A retrospective analysis of depersonalized data from randomly selected subjects, adults and children treated at the Center of Innovative Allergology, was performed during the study. Criteria for inclusion: written consent of the patient or their caregivers to participate in the study, symptoms of allergic disease, skin prick tests performed with inhaled allergens, and molecular allergological test - ALEX2 (Allergen Explorer) macroarray. The data set included patient demographics (age, gender), disease symptoms, medical history, allergic diagnosis, molecular allergological examination (ALEX2 macroarray), and skin prick test (SPT). Results: The data from 100 individuals, including 55 women was analyzed. Atopic dermatitis and skin rashes were more common in children than in adults (p<0,05). Other illnesses and patient symptoms did not differ statistically by gender or age. The results of SPT and ALEX2 macroarray test did not differ statistically for half of the analyzed allergens (timothy, cat, house dust mite allergens). Sensitization to birch, mugwort and dog allergens was more commonly found with SPT (McNemar test p-value <0.05). After evaluating the agreement (Kappa coefficient) between SPT and sIgE tests, SPT and ALEX2 test corresponded well by determining sensitization status (p<0.001; &#954;=0.914 ± 0.042). SPT and ALEX2 tests corresponded (agreed) excellent for timothy, birch and cat allergens (&#954;> 0.81). For mugwort, dog and house dust mite allergens correspondence (agreement) was good (0.61&#8804;&#954;&#8805; 0.8). Patients with bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis were found to be more often sensitized to Fel d 4, Fel d 7, Can f 3, Can f 4, Can f 5, Can f 6, Bla g 5 ir Bla g 9 then patients with allergic rhinitis (p<0.05). Conclusions: In patients tested with ALEX2 macroarray and skin prick tests, the results were consistent. Skin prick tests are reasonably considered to be the method of choice for the first choice. The ALEX2 test provided a more detailed assessment of the sensitization profile. Molecular allergological tests should be performed when skin prick tests are insufficient to diagnose allergies, drugs that inhibit skin reactivity are used or a more detailed sensitization profile should be obtained. The listed allergen components can be considered as prognostic indicators of a more severe disease. Identifying sensitization to these allergens can predict a more severe course of allergic diseases in the future.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022