Title Marko Minucijaus Felikso „Oktavijus“ kaip ankstyvosios apologetikos pavyzdys (įvadas, vertimas, komentaras) /
Translation of Title The octavius of marcus minucius felix as an example of early apologetics: introduction, translation, commentary.
Authors Grigonis, Evaldas
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Pages 70
Abstract [eng] This MA thesis presents a Lithuanian translation of Marcus Minucius Felix’s work "Octavius" with accompanying text commentaries. Marcus Minucius Felix (c. 2nd–3rd c.) was an apologist of early Christianity, one of the first Christian writers in Latin. Very little is known about the author of the work. The scanty information available suggests that Minucius Felix, a convert Christian and a lawyer in Rome, was of North African descent. The dialogue "Octavius" is the only surviving work by Minucius Felix and was written probably within the first third of the 3rd c. (exact date of writing not yet determined). This dialogue sheds light on the situation of Christianity and Roman paganism of the day, their mutual relationship, hate and fears towards each other. It is surprising that Minucius Felix is the only Christian apologist not to examine Christological problems; he does not even mention the name of Christ, as well as there are no direct quotations from the Holy Scripture, no consideration of the Holy Spirit, no Christian teaching on justification, and no reference to the Church as an institution. Cicero’s "De natura deorum" was deliberately chosen to be Minucius Felix’ model in style as well as in form. Furthermore, Minucius Felix certainly made use of Cicero’s "De divinatione", likewise of the "De providentia" and "De superstitione" of Seneca. The ethics of the apologia have much in common with the ideal of Stoic philosophy. At the same time "Octavius" is an elucidation of the authentic Christianity, but executed in a manner apt to impress the educated pagans. So, through the lips of the disputants - the Christian Octavius Januarius and the pagan Cecilius Natalis - one can open the “window” to the world of Greco-Roman mythology and philosophy, literature and history in seeking the true way to knowledge of God.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022