Abstract [eng] |
Cognitive abilities of blind and partially sighted children develop in the context of altered perceptual organization. The aim of the study – analyze the peculiarities and factors of intellectual performance of blind and partially sighted children. ITVIC (Intelligence Test for Visually Impaired Children) adaptation for the assessment of intelligence of Lithuanian blind children was performed as part of the study. Possibilities of using WISC-III for the assessment of intelligence of blind and partially sighted children were also evaluated. Results of the study of intellectual abilities show no significant differences in Verbal intelligence of blind, partially sighted and normally sighted children. Because of specific experience, intelligence structure of the blind children is different from normally sighted: auditory short term memory of blind children is significantly superior, but reasoning about practical situations is significantly worse. Visual acuity is not enough to predict Verbal intelligence scores of blind and partially sighted children. Parental education and place of residency are the most important predictors of their Verbal abilities. Verbal intelligence is the best predictor of haptic performance of blind children and the best predictor of visual performance of partially sighted children. Academic achievement and adaptive behavior of blind and partially sighted can be predicted by their Verbal intelligence. |