Title Severe asthma and autoreactivity /
Translation of Title Severe Asthma and Autoreactivity.
Authors Magierski, Ole Paul
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Pages 29
Keywords [eng] Asthma, autoreactivity, autoimmunity, autoallergy, autoantibody, immunoglobulin E mediated autoimmunity, sputum autoantibodies, antinuclear antibody, basophil activation test
Abstract [eng] Objective: This narrative review aims to provide a thematic overview of the recent findings and theories on the topic of severe asthma and autoreactivity. The hypothesis was that autoimmunity and autoantibodies play a pathomechanistic role in asthma and contribute to its severity. Background: There has been an increasing interest in the pathogenesis of asthma. A special focus has been placed on the formation of autoreactive processes, their role in the pathogenesis, diagnostics and therapy of asthma. Methods: A literature review has been performed. A systematic search within the database PubMed and Google Scholar was done. Additionally, articles with the snowball method and articles from University resources were included. Results: 75 articles, ranging from clinical studies and animal models to literature reviews, were included. Principles of autoimmunity in asthma appear as probable contributors to its pathogenesis. Autoimmunity in other diseases provides implications for investigations in future asthma research. Autoantibodies, such as antinuclear and anti-eosinophil, were discussed partly inconclusively, yet they appear as contributary factors to asthma development. Established diagnostic methods were presented as questionable and usefulness of localized tests was indicated. Benralizumab might have a good therapeutic effect, including its action on autoimmune regulation. Conclusions: The current state of research indicates a possible correlation of autoreactive processes and autoantibodies with the pathogenesis and severity of asthma. Possible use of localized sputum and basophil activation tests to measure the contribution of autoantigens to disease severity and for monitoring therapy has been observed. More research is generally needed for the discussed topics.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2022