Title Sergančiųjų šizofrenija edukavimo apie ilgo veikimo antipsichotikus svarba – mokomosios medžiagos parengimas ir efektyvumo įvertinimas /
Translation of Title Importance of educating patients with schizophrenia about long-acting antipsychotics - preparation of educational material and evaluation of it’s effectiveness.
Authors Tamaliūnas, Giedrius
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Pages 20
Abstract [eng] SUMMARY Introduction. To improve treatment regimen in patients with schizophrenia, one of treatments is long-term antipsychotic medication. The use of these drugs reduces relapses, number of hospitalizations, and the risk of accidental or intentional overdose. However, it is believed that these drugs cause many side effects and are costly, that is why patients choose oral (short-acting) antipsychotics. The attitudes of mental health professionals towards oral antipsychotic medications play a crucial and influential role in patients’ choice of treatment. The education of professionals, patients and their relatives is an effective tool for successful treatment. Patients are more likely to choose long-acting antipsychotics treatment after psychoeducation and motivational interviewing. Objective. Evaluate the effectiveness and benefits of the educational material for physicians. Methods. The study involved physicians from the Vilnius City Mental Health Center, who were provided with anonymous questionnaires containing 19 questions about their clinical experience, treatment for schizophrenia, and opinions about long-acting antipsychotic medications. Conclusions. 92.9% of physicians inform their patients about the possibility of treatment with long-acting antipsychotics, but only 28.6% use auxiliary information sources. They are more often chosen by professionals with more than 10 years of experience. The most common reasons why doctors say patients refuse treatment with long-acting antipsychotics are concerns about the side effects of the drug and psychological resistance. The survey shows the lack of information sources in the process of psychoeducation. Keywords. Schizophrenia, education, psychoeducation, depot antipsychotics, long acting antipsychotics, antipsychotic long acting injections.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022