Title Psoriaze sergančųjų depresijos vertinimas, naudojant skales /
Translation of Title Assessment of depression in psoriasis using scales.
Authors Elenbergienė, Kristina
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Pages 39
Abstract [eng] Introduction: Psoriasis is a chronic systemic recurrent inflammatory skin disease affecting the skin, hair, nails, and joints. The disease can also cause mental disorders such as depression and anxiety. In order to achieve better treatment outcomes, the importance of addressing not only the physical but also the psychological problems of patients with psoriasis needs to be emphasized. Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of psoriasis on patients' mental health, the prevalence of depression and anxiety in patients, and the impact on health-related quality of life. Research and methods: An anonymous survey of psoriasis patients was chosen as the research method. Results were obtained from 139 patients treated at Vilnius University Hospital SantarosKlinikos Centre of Dermatovenereology. Respondents were provided with self-assessment scales: ASI-R-36 (anxiety sensitivity index), BDI (Beck depression index), and DLQI (Dermatology life quality index). Results: We found that 55 patients had depressive symptoms. 60 patients expressed increased levels of anxiety sensitivity. Psoriasis affected the quality of life of 71 patients according to the DLQI and as many as 35 of them had a significant deterioration in their condition. Howerver, none of the respondents indicated that, according to the DLQI, psoriasis has a significant impact on their quality of life. Women in the moderate to severe depressive symptom groups reported exceptionally low quality of life. The group of male respondents differed in that the impact of the disease on quality of life was rated as worse in presence of mild depression. Samples of married patients also did not show significant symptoms of depression and anxiety compared with other groups indicating marital status. Conclusions: The results of this study showed that more than half of psoriasis patients experienced depressive and anxiety-related symptoms. This highlights the importance of assessing anxiety and depression in psoriasis, as these symptoms determine quality of life. The psychological consequences of psoriasis due to the potential for anxiety and depression should not be underestimated. Patients with psoriasis need appropriate holistic therapy.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022