Title Taivano klausimo patekimas į Lietuvos politinę darbotvarkę /
Translation of Title Setting taiwan issue on to the political agenda of lithuania.
Authors Misėkaitė, Viktorija
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Pages 50
Abstract [eng] This paper examines the establishment of closer ties between Lithuania and Taiwan in 2021 and the inclusion of the issue of Taiwanese representative office in Lithuania, representative office name on the Lithuanian political agenda, based on John Kingdon's multiple stream framework. It also considers the general change in foreign policy towards China after 2020 Elections to the Parlament of the Republic of Lithuania and it’s impact on the inclusion of Taiwan and Taiwanese representative office question on the Lithuanian political agenda. Additionally, changes in the positions of key players in the event of a dispute over the name of the Taiwanese representative office are also examined.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022