Title Ribinio asmenybės sutrikimo neurobiologija /
Translation of Title Neurobiology of borderline personality disorder.
Authors Gruodė, Rūta
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Pages 28
Abstract [eng] Borderline personality disorder is characterized by emotional instability, significant impairment of interpersonal functioning, lack of a coherent sense of identity, it often has other psychiatric comorbidities and increased risk of self-harm and suicide. At the moment the ability to help these patients is limited because of the lack of deeper insight into this disorder - more detailed knowledge of its etiology and pathogenesis. Psychodynamic approach to this disorder is quite common, therefore there is enough information from this point of view. Physiological aspects of borderline personality disorder, on the contrary, were started being investigated not so long ago and there are still not many studies that analyze them. However, the results that have already been found help us get a better and more detailed picture of the development and the course of borderline personality disorder. In this review there will be presented the neurobiological (radiologic, genetic and endocrinologic) aspects of borderline personality disorder. In neuroradiologic studies there were detected some changes of certain brain structures and their activity; some genetic studies have confirmed the inheritable component of this disorder, although the multifactorial etiology was not denied; analysis of hormones of patients with borderline personality disorder showed some hormonal changes as well.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2022